

Stir-fried ice cream is made with a milk base combined with various fresh ingredients and different toppings served with the ice cream. The main ingredients are the liquid base flavor which is commonly milk, or soy milk. Fresh fruit or other choices such as chocolate, green tea, or red beans are blended with the milk, […]


Ice cream rolls is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It is usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. It is typically sweetened with sugar or sugar substitutes. Typically, flavorings and colorings are added in addition to […]


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锯骨机由机架、电机、圆锯、平移台、电控工作台组成,适用于各类中小型动物骨头、冻肉、鱼骨、冻鱼、冰加工设备。特点:扁平机身设计,不锈钢封板,食品卫生 […]

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